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Labor Law Training

On September 6, 2019, Theppadungporn Coconut Co., Ltd. has training on labor law. To provide employees with knowledge of the law It is a law that sets out guidelines for treating each other between two parties, the employer and the employee. So that both parties can have a good understanding of each other. Can agree on the rights and duties And benefits in working together, including determining ways to resolve disputes or labor disputes that arise. To terminate quickly This is to achieve peace In the workplace This will affect the economy and security of the country. Speakers by staff from the Office of Labor Protection and Protection / Social Security Office, Nakhon Pathom Province, at the meeting room of the Islander 1, Islander factory


30MAR, 22
Closing the Audit to assess the Thai labor standard management system (TLS 80001-2563)
Closing the Audit to assess the Thai labor standard management system (TLS 80001-2563)
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30MAR, 22
Assessing the management system of Thai labor standards (TLS 80001-2563)
Assessing the management system of Thai labor standards (TLS 80001-2563)
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03MAR, 22
Meeting to review the Thai labor standard system (Mor. 8001-2563) No. 1/2566
Meeting to review the Thai labor standard system (Mor. 8001-2563) No. 1/2566
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18JAN, 22
Audit that the company SGS has come to Audit the ISO standard system TSL8001-2563 (Thai labor standards)
Audit that the company SGS has come to Audit the ISO standard system TSL8001-2563 (Thai labor standards)
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18JAN, 22
Training course on document control in management systems ISO 9001,ISO 14001, ISO 50001 ,TS 8001,BRC and ISO 22000
Training course on document control in management systems ISO 9001,ISO 14001, ISO 50001 ,TS 8001,BRC and ISO 22000
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